Did you know MLM / direct sales is one of the fastest growing industries today?
If you’re here, I probably don’t need to convince you. You’ve already figured out the potential of the MLM industry.
What you’re looking for is a way to turn that potential into profit.
You’re in the right place. Our MLM software products have been turning ideas into reality for dozens of MLMs over the years.
For many network marketing businesses, the website is the first impression many people have of the company.
A professional, modern website will give the right impression to first time customers and potential distributors. A great customer experience comes from a well-designed website that functions properly.
Take the extra time to have a great website designed, and test it often to ensure the experience is a good one. We know how important first impressions are, which is why we use the best UI / UX designers on the front end, and the member dashboard, to give potential recruits or customers and long-time users the same seamless experience.
Replicated Websites for your network of distributors is also essential to help them succeed, while keeping your branding consistent.
A replicated website is a member website similar to your corporate website created for distributors to market their products and recruit. It provides a place on the web to collect and manage leads, sell products, and communicate through email and a personal blog.
All these features are crucial for each distributor’s sale and recruitment funnel to be a success, and for search engine optimization.
Give your members the tools they need to become leaders in your business.
People are at the core of any successful network marketing business. Having a way to keep in touch with people is crucial to MLM success. A good Contact Manager (CRM) will help make sure no one slips through the cracks.
Distributors need a way to communicate easily with their leaders so they feel like they are part of a community and that they are being supported.
A great CRM should include the ability to view your customers and distributors, to easily segment them, to collect new leads, and to know when and where people are coming from by assigning labels or tags based on their status.
Through the Titan CRM, you can also set up automated emails that help recruit new members and encourage existing members.
The CRM you need should also allow you to track emails, so you know who you’ve been in touch with, who is clicking, and who is active in your organization (or who is your top customers).
Is your CRM doing all this for you?
If you answered no, now might be the time to consider an upgrade to TitanMLM.
Marketing Automation
Automation is essential to successful email marketing. Auto-responders (such as Welcome Emails for new recruits) will ensure that the ball is never dropped when it comes to communication. Drip emails are another powerful marketing tool that will keep your brand front of mind for potential recruits and customers.
The more automation you can use, and provide for your distributors, the better chance of success your MLM has.
Content Marketing
Blogging can be time-consuming. But having a corporate blog will be a huge benefit in drawing organic traffic, as well as building trust in customers and distributors.
By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships without talking to a human.
This means that your consumers are more likely to do their own research about your company before your first point of contact with them. One of the easiest ways for them to learn more about your company is through your blog.
A blog with multimedia capabilities helps you harness the power of video marketing, as well as allow social sharing to spread your message far and wide.
Every network marketing company dreams of being the next big thing. Time and hard work are required, but having a growth plan will really ensure that success continues.
What kind of challenges does a growing MLM face?
Working with a team of experienced MLM software professionals will helpensure your business is ready for whatever the industry will throw at you. The right software, people, and planning will help to continually grow your company the right way.
TitanMLM is International-ready, and can handle both domestic and international sales and shipping. We’ve worked with successful MLMs from all continents, so we're ready for anything you throw at us.
NEW: We now have Cryptocurrency capabilities. Accept payments and payout in bitcoins!
People buy from people, not from brands. A strong leader can motivate distributors, and be a representative of your company to potential customers.
Emotion drives many of our daily decisions, even big decisions like joining a network marketing company. By seeing the passion and success from the leaders of your company, distributors will be inspired.
Pick company leaders that will relate well to your target audience and make sure they get the platform needed to spread your message loudly to customers and distributors.
We’ve worked with dozens of MLMs over the years and have forged meaningful relationships with leaders and consultants. We’ve seen the difference a few great leaders can make in an organization, and are always happy to work with your leadership team to help them get the most from your software.
Support for your members
Your distributors need to be supported, and have access to training on their marketing software and company branding. Strong leadership helps, but having a virtual training system in place will protect everyone’s time and give distributor’s a place to go when they need help immediately.
TitanMLM includes our expansive ApogeeACADEMY training system so your distributors have the best chance at success.
Support for YOU
Secondly, YOU need continual support on your software and marketing. It is important to choose a software company that won’t abandon you once the sale is complete. Your personal account manager is always available to help with anything, from changing out a website image, to loading new products, to tweaking your compensation plan.
We are known for our high standards of support to our clients. We’ll be by your side throughout the journey to success, celebrating your wins and helping overcome your challenges.