Get 2X More Clicks with Better Blog Titles

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 6 years ago

Do you get frustrated trying to get visitors to your blog? With so much content available on the Internet, competition for readers is fierce. 

With over 77% of Internet users read blogs regularly, blogging is still a crucial part of your content strategy.

Growing an audience might be more difficult today than it was a few years ago, but you can still use a blog as a successful part of your marketing.

Get 2X more blog traffic with better blog titles

First, let's reiterate why blogging is so important.

Blogs help search engine optimization (SEO)

Did you know websites that use a blog, on average, have 434% more indexed pages (source)? That means better SEO, a better website rank and authority, and a better chance of reaching your target audience.

Blogs not only help with SEO, they’ll help build your brand authority, as well. 

Blogs build brand authority.

Trust is one of the biggest barriers businesses face online. How do you get a stranger to trust your business with no face-to-face interaction? By establishing a long digital footprint online through social media and blogging. 

About half of all buyers read at least 3 pieces of content before speaking with a sales rep (source). Become an authority in your industry through your blog, and bring in more leads.

B2B companies that use blogs get 67% more leads than companies not using a blog (source). Potential clients want to get to know your brand before taking the next step, and by having a blog, you're showing that your business is relevant, knowledgeable, and legitimate.

Get 2X more traffic with better blog titles

Now that we know how important blogging is, how do you get people to read your blog?

By creating a blog title they NEED to click.

Why is a blog title so important?

- The blog title decides whether your article is going to be listed in search results.

- The blog title will convince visitors to click on your blog over other options on the SERPs (search engine results page).

- Your blog title will determine if people are pleased with the information you provided. (Did you follow through with what you promised in the title?)

You can’t trick people into clicking on your blog and count that as increased traffic. Once you get them to your website, follow up on your promise with quality content. But you can’t show them your quality content until you get them to your site, right?

How you can get 2X more clicks to your blog:

The 4 U Formula

These are four things to keep in mind every time you create a blog title. This can also apply to email subject lines.


You need to immediately convey the value of your blog for the reader. They have limited time to spend reading it, so they need to know right away that it is going to be useful.

For example, my title tells you I’m going to teach you how to create the perfect blog title. If you’re looking to get more clicks on your blog, you will certainly find the information contained here useful. 

Tell the viewer how your blog is going to make their life better, easier, or solve their problem.


You don’t want a potential reader to decide your information is useful, but that maybe they don’t need to read it right now. Tell them why they need this information immediately.

Sometimes just using the power word “now” can do the trick. You need this information now! Get started on improving your life today. Other ways to relay a sense of urgency is by setting a time limit or telling them what they might be missing if they don’t read your useful information immediately.

“Stop losing visitors, start writing better blog titles today” is another way I could have conveyed urgency in my blog title. 


Everyone is using content these days to attract people to their website. To secure that click on your content, it needs to be unique.

This is where your creativity needs to come in. 

Sometimes using a touch of humor or irony can grab attention. Or perhaps personalize it a little to speak directly to your audience, or reference some kind of inside joke. Just make sure it isn't generic, and it isn't like every other blog title out there.


Here is the deal closer. The more specific you can be, the more your title will appeal to them. This will also help with making it unique.

“Double your blog traffic with this strategy” is a very specific blog title. I’m telling you what useful information you need to get twice as many people visiting your blog.

Use numbers, tell the reader how long it will take to use your information, or any other specific details to stand out.

Writing perfect blog titles is part creativity, part science. Just like we've talked about many times in the past, EMOTION is they key to getting people to act. Forget logic and focus on emotion. Convey urgency, helpfulness, personality, and trust in your titles, and you'll get people to click every time. 

Note: The 4 U Formula is not my creation, I’m just summarizing it for your benefit. I’d credit the original creator, but there are several people who claim to have invented this concept. It really doesn’t matter, as long as you find it helpful. 

Tell me all about your questions or comments below, or if you know who came up with this idea so I can properly credit the source.

Then don’t forget to grab this graphic to keep handy when creating blog posts:

4 U Formula